Forrest Robinson - Certified Public Accountants

Forrest Robinson Certified Public Accountants is an affiliate of FR Financial Advisors, LLC, offering tax accounting and consulting services

Focus Partners Advisor Solutions

FR Financial Advisors, LLC is an independent member of Focus Partners Advisor Solutions proudly serves and supports independent wealth management firms and financial advisors in their work of helping clients and their families meet their most important life and financial goals. It’s our highest calling. That’s why Focus Partners Advisor Solutions delivers academically rooted and evidence-based investment solutions, because we believe this approach gives you the best odds of achieving financial peace of mind. We provide holistic financial planning tools, because we believe true wealth management should be comprehensive. We’ve developed a long bench of thought leaders and specialists, because we believe in breadth plus depth. By partnering with Buckingham Strategic Partners, members of this nationwide community bring its collective wisdom and resources to bear on designing, building and protecting each client’s financial plan.

Dimensional Fund Advisors


Our passive asset class investment approach is translated by Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) into an array of mutual funds, each of which is rigorously designed to capture a particular “dimension” or asset class within a globally diversified portfolio. (DFA is our primary but not exclusive source for implementing our recommended investment approach.)

Working years ahead of the industry, Dimensional has forged a new way to invest. The firm inaugurated its strategies in 1981 with early research into the stronger performance of small cap stocks. Later, a comprehensive analysis of stock prices worldwide deepened the strategy repertoire and set a new standard for portfolio design. This evolution reflects an abiding belief in financial science and the efficacy of capital markets.

Charles Schwab Institutional

While FR Financial Advisors provides investment advice, we do not have direct access to your account assets. As a client Charles Schwab Institutional is custodian of your account. With your permission, FR Financial receives Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) to submit trade requests on your behalf and provide you with regular reports that summarize your portfolio’s performance. However, you remain in control of your assets by having them held in accounts in your name. Charles Schwab Institutional provides us with the platform, products, programs and resources to serve our clients and grow our businesses efficiently and effectively.

The Crump family of brands provide solutions to meet the needs of the variety of clients we serve. Under the Crump brand, as a full service brokerage general agency, we offer a one-stop shop for a wide range of solutions and carriers to support the varied needs of financial professionals and their clients. We work closely with the industry’s highest-rated and most competitive carriers for life, annuities, long term care, linked benefits and disability insurance and provide seamless access to our in-house expertise for each product line

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